Oprichting STIP Platform. Lees hier de nota To Act or Neglect.


Deelname ‘Sacred Erasmus Project’ via Hogeschool Rotterdam. Bekijk hier deel van het project.


Afstemmingsoverleg met M. Nakanishi te Leiden over samenwerking en subsidie aanvraag internationale workshop: Zweden/Japan/Nederland.


Nakanishi, M., Ziylan, C., Granvik, E., Bakker TJEM, Nägga, K., Nishida, A., Yamasaki, S., Endo, K., Niimura, J., “E-Learning and Web-Based Tools for Psychosocial Interventions Addressing Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Dementia During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Tokyo, Japan: Quasi-Experimental Study” JMIR Med Educ 2021;7(4):e30652 URL: https://mededu.jmir.org/2021/4/e30652 doi: 10.2196/30652 PMID: 34543224


Nakanishi, M., Ziylan, C., Granvik, E., Bakker TJEM, Nägga, K., Nishida, A., Facilitators and barriers associated with the implementation of a Swedish psychosocial dementia care programme in Japan: a secondary analysis of qualitative and quantitative data DOI: 10.1111/scs.12854


Nakanishi, M., Ziylan, C., Granvik, E., Bakker TJEM, Nägga, K., Nishida, A., Shindo, Y., Time Investment for Program Implementation to Manage Neuropsychiatric Symptoms: An Observational Longitudinal Study in In-Home and Residential Care Setting. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease Reports 4 (2020) 441–453 DOI 10.3233/ADR-200235 IOS Press.


Contract met BPSD care Zweden.


Bezoek aan BPSD care-Zweden; samenwerking met BPSD care-Japan (M.Nakanishi).


Zweden/Japan BPSD care samenwerking.


Benelux prijs voor de Psychogeriatrie Euro 20.000); Belgische vereniging van Gerontologie en Geriatrie. Interview met Ton Bakker (Argos Zorggroep) (youtube.com)